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consumption per person中文是什么意思

用"consumption per person"造句"consumption per person"怎么读"consumption per person" in a sentence


  • 人均消费


  • Although in china , the wine consumption per person does n ' t reach one twentieth of the world average consumption , wine market is now increasing at a high speed
    虽然目前我国的人均葡萄酒消费量还不到世界平均水平的1 20 ,但是这个市场正以飞快的速度增长。
  • Secondly , introduces the status of cosmetic enterprises in china through the number of the enterprises , the size of the enterprises , the ownership of the enterprises etc . thirdly , analyzes the structure of products , the consumption per person , the situation of import and export in china cosmetic market
用"consumption per person"造句  
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